The Apple Store’s Apple Watch stand

There was a moment when I made a post about something I have at home: the charging stand used in Apple Stores for Apple Watches. While searching for something on the FCC website, I stumbled upon the certification of the device, which provides some information that I had missed.

Firstly, there are two variants of the stand itself: the A1622 and the A1623. The A1623 (which I own) is fixed. Additionally, it doesn’t have a plastic base. The A1622 has the same functions, but with a plastic base (similar to older Apple TVs or vintage Time Capsule units) and an additional battery.

The casing

The back of the portable version

The back of the classic version

The batteries

The letter to the FCC explains the modifications made to the integrated iPad mini 2. Apple removed the cameras, speakers, microphone, volume button, and lock button. The screen doesn’t have the same protection (it’s plastic), and the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth antennas are different. A card dedicated to the added functions (for the watch) has been added. Well, I obviously noticed the differences when I talked about the tablet in my article, but I didn’t know that there was a second, portable version. Just a reminder, the tablet can be charged via Lightning but also via MagSafe 2.

Note that the modified watch that fits on the casing has its own FCC identifier (A1638). According to the FCC, it only exists in 42 mm.

The watch

The watch

Interestingly, the PDFs provided to the FCC are password-protected.